Tag - advertisement on tiktok

Not just TikTok! What is generation Z doing online?
Not just TikTok! What is generation Z doing online?

We suggest where generation Z spends time online and how to use youth apps in marketing. Check it out!

To be an Influencer… which is what, exactly?
To be an Influencer… which is what, exactly?

More and more people are dreaming of a career as an influencer at a young age. However, not many of them know what it really means. Learn the basics of an influencer career.

Generation Z – how to win its heart?
Generation Z – how to win its heart?

Generation Z is a group you should keep in mind when planning your marketing activities. Check out what you need to keep in mind

The TikTok phenomenon – is it also attracting consumers?
The TikTok phenomenon – is it also attracting consumers?

Have you heard about the TikTok phenomenon yet? Check out how to advertise on this platform!

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