“The right to be forgotten”. How does France protect underage influencers?

“The right to be forgotten”. How does France protect underage influencers?
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on October 6, a law protecting young influencers in France was successfully completed. The law protects underage social media stars. A similar law covering juveniles working in film and modeling has been in place in France for years

Children’s rights must be respected and protected, including on the internet, which cannot be an area of lawlessness

– said Bruno Studer, the MEP behind the project.

Underage money machines

The amounts earned by so-called kid influencers – which often reach millions of dollars a year – have raised concerns that parents of juvenile stars may try to capitalize on their child’s success and encourage them to spend more time in virtual spaces than getting an education. The bill regulates working hours and ensures that a child’s income is secured in a special account until the child turns 16.

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(Photo by Annie Spratt, source: unsplash.com)

The legislation requires that any company that wants to hire a young influencer must first obtain permission from the local government and allow children the “right to be forgotten.” What’s at stake?

Removal of content on request

When a child asks for a particular content to be removed, online platforms will be obliged to do so.

The new rules do not cover all children who post material on social media, but only those who spend a significant amount of time on such activities, which can qualify as commercial work providing income

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