Event industry in crisis – what is the situation?

Event industry in crisis – what is the situation?
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Representatives of the events industry are appealing to the government for support during the recurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Companies in the industry expect the state, among other things, not to impose taxes and social security contributions, as well as wage subsidies.

Severe restrictions in the event industry

With the amendment of the COVID-19 Restriction Ordinance on October 16, severe restrictions were placed on the entire event industry. In the red zone (currently the whole Poland is in it) it is not allowed to organize events even online. In the yellow zone such meetings can be organized only by means of distance communication.

Dramatic situation of the event industry

(source: pxhere.com)

Event industry has not managed to return to functioning before the lockdown, and the lack of help after the March lockdown has only worsened its situation.

Postulates of the Meetings and Events Industry Council

The Council of the Meetings and Events Industry believes that the government’s aid should be directed sectorally – only to the most affected branches of the economy and to the companies affected by the greatest decline in turnover. Among the 16 demands of the Meeting and Events Industry Council are:

  1. Meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Development, Labour and Technology and Deputy Minister Gowin to discuss assistance for the events industry.
  2. A wage subsidy for the next 3 months for companies that have shown declines of at least 70% from the previous year.
  3. Includes PKD codes.
  4. Extension of exemption from Social Security contributions for another 3 months.
  5. Reduction of VAT for companies affected by the crisis.
  6. Assistance in the form of another tranche of money from PFR.

Severe lack of events

According to the coordinator of the Meetings and Events Industry Council, the absolute minimum in aid from the government should be the absence of any tax burden and the possibility of organising online events in red zones.

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